
Thursday, May 11, 2006

May 11, 2006

My blog is going to be short and sweet today. I feel the "senioritis" from my students towards the last week of school. I would like to comment on the LCMS models we discussed this week. I feel that this learning environment is going to revolutionize how opportunities are available to rural and inner-city students. Because of funding, teacher quality, school size, ect... these students do not offer the same elective courses. Therefore, students do not receive the same vocational/college prep classes that urban/richer schools do. So, using a LCMS or LMS system to bring these opportunities to the students is a big plus! ...This week has somewhat changed my original dissertation topic. Ugh.



At 8:23 AM, Blogger TNC (Teacher Networking Center) said...

I understand the "senioritis" feeling. I think everyone gets it this time of year. Everyone would rather be outside.

Online education is already beginning to bring new opportunities to students. I have been reading about different universities that are starting to offer online classes to High School students. Here is an interesting article that just came out and may be of interest
Michigan is talking about requiring students to take online classes as a graduation requirement. Any thoughts?

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Erin "Brooke" Elliott said...

Jacqui and I partipated in the "share a computer program" activity. We both played the Tic Tac Toe game on IM. I also emailed and IM'd a conversation from 4/28 to Dr. Powley.



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